Simple Yoga Exercises to Stretch and Strengthen

Simple Yoga Exercises

Simple Yoga Exercises to Stretch and Strengthen

Yoga is one of the most complete workouts that we can find to strengthen our entire body: through different postures or asanas. We work all the muscle groups with our own body weight. Either by maintaining the postures for a certain period of time or by adding dynamism through movement.

One of the “trouble spots” that concern us with a view to improving our aesthetics is our lower body. We teach you seven Yoga postures that will help you strengthen your legs and your glutes.

The three postures of the warrior or Virabhadrasana

On previous occasions, we have talked to you at length about the three poses of the Yoga warrior, about their history. And about the correct technique to perform each of them ( you can consult it here ).

These three poses are inspired by a famous story from Hindu mythology: a tale of love and war through which the warrior raises his sword points with her and finally beheads her enemy.

Although these postures work perfectly independently. The truth is that they are usually practiced together and in sequence. They especially work the strength of the legs and buttocks in an isometric way, by maintaining the postures in a static way for a period of time. And it also helps us to achieve a correct alignment of our body and a good work of the deep muscles of the abdomen.

The Tree Pose or Vrksasana

One of the best-known asanas, thanks in part to its aesthetic beauty, is the tree pose or Vrksasana. It is a balance asana in which the weight of our body falls on a single leg, whose muscles are activated at all times.

The tree pose is simple and affordable for all audiences. Being able to perform regressions to execute it in a simple way (we can place the leg that does not touch the ground resting at the height of the calf or our thigh, depending on our level of yogis).

The axial elongation is essential to keep us properly in the posture of the tree. Because we do activate the deep muscles of the core, thus improving our posture and our balance. Imagine that a string pulls your head towards the ceiling while you push the ground with your supporting leg. Hold this pose for 30 seconds and switch to the other leg.

The triangle pose or Trikonasana

Another of the Yoga postures that allow us to tune our legs and buttocks is the triangle pose or Trikonasana with its variants: the extended triangle and the inverted triangle. In all these positions we will be working the strength of our lower body in an isometric way.

The placement of the legs and feet is important to work correctly. And to avoid hurting ourselves during the execution of the triangle pose: while the foot of the front leg faces forward, that of the rear leg faces to the side or slightly diagonally. And the knees are kept in line with the balls of the feet.

In addition to helping us strengthen our legs and glutes, the triangle postures make us work our midsection while the arm muscles also remain active. The elongation of the spine (with the sensation of “growing towards the ceiling” and then performing a bend or twist) is essential to avoid back injuries.

The chair pose or Utkatasana

Without a doubt, one of my favorite asanas of all Yoga is the chair posture or Utkatasana. Since it is accessible to all audiences, whatever the level of the class. And achieves a very intense work through a movement very easy.

Basically, the Yoga chair posture is a half squat in which the back is aligned with the arms. Something that implies good core work in addition to the legs and buttocks. With our legs about hip-width apart, we make the gesture of sitting in an imaginary chair that will be behind us at the same time that we raise our arms to the level of the ears and keep our torso erect.

Maintaining this position for 10 or 15 seconds (or more, if you are capable of it). Always worrying about not losing the correct alignment. And a good posture is a high-intensity isometric work for legs and buttocks. As well as a good opportunity to work concentration.

Downward facing dog pose or adho mukha svanasana

A posture that can not be missed in almost any compilation. Since it is very complete and allows us to work the whole body, is the Downward Facing Dog pose of Yoga or adho mukha svanasana. A posture that can be used as a work or rest position. If we do it combined with other asanas and depending on the intensity we give it.

In a downward-facing dog, the weight of our body rests on our arms and legs. Concentrating on lengthening our back and stretching our entire back chain. Pushing the floor with the feet and with the hands, with the fingers extended, can help us to do this pose more easily.

Remember that after doing the downward facing dog posture. It is convenient to move to another relaxation posture, such as Balasana or the child’s posture, to let the muscles that have been working rest.

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