5 tips for your summer camp

camping help kids

5 tips for your summer camp

For a child, going to summer camp is a kind of adventure and a mixture of fear and excitement. It is like a challenge: he will have to face situations that he is not used to overcoming without you and that he will experience as something amazing.

For mom or dad, it is a little different. That your child goes to a summer camp is a mixture of feelings more related to uncertainty and worry. What’s more, it is very normal that you go overboard with the number of clothes you put in the suitcase or that you get that instinct of overprotection. But don’t worry! It is not necessary to put an extra pillow in case you do not like the one they put in the camp. Your child will be fine.

So we are going to tell you a little about what usually happens at a summer camp in case you want to start giving your child the first tips. And of course, so that you too can take it with the greatest peace of mind.

5 tips for going to summer camp

The best thing is to know all the peculiarities of the camps and know how to face them.

  1. It is time for you to learn how to wash by hand

As a general rule, in a summer camp the clothes are washed by hand (although this depends on the camp you are joining). And faced with this reality, you have two options: or learn to wash before and during your experience, or give him some extra garment in case of an emergency.

  1. Recommend that he put the mobile aside

The most important thing about a camp is that you enjoy your new friends. So, the less you use your mobile and the more you live the experience, the environment, the adventures, and the new companies, the better; you will enjoy much more. Of course, tell him that whenever he needs to talk to you, you’ll be on the other end of the phone.

  1. Bring extra food to survive

As any child who returns from a camp says: ‘You have to get supplies anyway!’

The complaint about food is already a universal complaint. Most children always protest for this reason: because they don’t eat the dish they like the most or because, as they say, the food is ‘bad.

One option so that they do not go hungry and make sure they eat is to carry some snacks in their backpack, always trying to keep them healthy, such as nuts, sugar-free cereal bars, or whole-grain cookies.

  1. Sharing games make friends

The best thing is that you carry objects that you can have fun with and that you can easily share with your new companions. Doing so will create bonds more quickly, have more confidence, and be a way to make the experience more enjoyable.

By this, we do not mean that it is loaded with toys. Unlike. But we do recommend that you put in your backpack some colored pencils, letters, a yo-yo or whatever you like the most and if you want, that you share them.

  1. If you can, bring a disposable camera

Memories are always emotional. Therefore, if you can buy a disposable camera for him, he will surely enjoy it very much. And, in addition, it will help you develop artistic skills and sharpen your creative side. As it will also help you create memories that you will surely be excited to see and remember later.

That said, beyond the basic tips to survive a camp, it also does not hurt to save some money in case you have an emergency, and above all, the most important thing: have the basic equipment for a camp. It will be essential that you have the appropriate clothing and accessories for your adventure to be ten!

Now you just have to choose the destination together and start packing your suitcase for your new adventure.

You may also like to read, How camping will help your kids?

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