army training for fitness

Why you need army training for fitness?

Many who want to start a military exercise program are torn between doing it in a gym or at home.

Military exercises attract attention because it combines strength, power, and endurance, as well as balance, so necessary in any field.

Despite the fact that gyms provide spaces, conditions, and equipment to carry out adequate training, carrying out a military training plan at home is feasible, since it does not require specialized equipment and ensures continuous, combined, demanding days and as pleasant as you decide.

Some tips before starting military training at home

  • The first thing you should know is that military training done for civilians has the same demands, this means that they are also strong exercises that demand some skills.
  • These skills do not necessarily have to have them from the beginning, but you will cultivate them as you do your daily routines.
  • Another important factor to know is that this training should be done at least three days a week and no more than five.
  • You must make sure you have a balanced diet with a caloric content according to your conditions (gender, height, weight, the pace of life).
  • In some moments you will put your body in an extreme condition, both from the cardiovascular and muscular aspects.
  • Each routine is developed in series and repetitions. This means that when 3 × 10 is indicated, it is three series of 10 repetitions each; or 5 × 10; 1 × 10, with hardly any rest between sets.
  • Have all the mental disposition to start with a good attitude.

Benefits of military training at home:

Following a military training routine at home that includes a variety of strong and demanding exercises can see results in a short time. Being intense exercises the body loses fat in each daily routine.

They are complete exercises, where cardiovascular workouts are combined, such as running, jumping high and rope or rope skipping and strength exercises such as squats, or squats, chin, push-ups, and sit-ups, with which all muscles of the bodywork.

Because it is high-intensity training, the heart rate rises, and the pulsations increase, which activates and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

These military exercises to do at home stimulate the physical capacity of the body, improve concentration, and provide greater responsiveness. Remember that it is just what the military needs when it comes to combat.

Like all sports, military training at home helps reduce stress and anxiety levels, takes us out of the daily routine of work or study, and puts the whole body in a demanding but rewarding movement. In addition, they increase lung capacity and muscle mass.

What material should we have?

Military training at home saves you gym and travel expenses. Being at home gives you the option of making your own material, which you can use at any time of the day.

You can build your own gym by purchasing a jump rope, a stable box for jumps, a mat for stretching, a bar that you can install in a comfortable place for chin-ups, a set of weights, and some dumbbells.

If you like, you can have a treadmill, a stationary bike, or an elliptical; With any of these, you will be able to fulfill the race routines.

A plan for each day

Remember that a military exercise routine must include all three stages, to avoid injuries, especially at points such as knees, ankles, wrists, hips, and shoulders:

  1. Heating
  2. Exercise practice
  3. Stretching

Each day, before starting the routine, you should do some movements that complete the warm-up session:

Move the feet in and out, supporting the body with one leg while raising the other slightly below the hips.

  • Stretch one arm towards the sky and the other towards the ground; then put your hands behind your back.
  • Move your wrists in and out.
  • Stretch your hands by bringing your fingers to the outside of the arm and then to the inside.
  • Move your head slowly in circles, first to the right then to the left.
  • Roll shoulders in and out circles.

Do several repetitions of each one.

First day

  • Run a 25 minute run at medium or high speed
  • Traditional pull-ups 3 × 10
  • Classic push-ups 5 × 15

High-speed rope 3 × 90 seconds

Triceps curls 5 × 15

Abs 5 × 15

Crisscross abs 5 × 15 (left elbow, right knee / right elbow, left knee)

The second day (slight increase in routine)

  • Run a 30 minute run at medium or high speed
  • Chins 3 × 15
  • Squats or barbell squats 3 × 15
  • Push-ups 3 × 15
  • Oblique abs 3 × 20
  • Chins 3 × 15
  • Barbell Crunches 3 × 20
  • Chins 3 × 15

Third day

20 minutes running alternating medium speed and sprint; with one-minute intervals between one and the other.

  • Push press of weights with 35 kilos 10 repetitions
  • Chins 3 × 15
  • Squats 3 × 1 minute
  • Knees to chest 3 × 1
  • Push-ups 3 × 15
  • Weighted crunches 3 × 15
  • Push-ups 3 × 50 seconds

Fourth day

  • Thirty minutes of running at medium-high speed
  • Traditional pull-ups 3 × 15
  • High-speed rope 3 × 90 seconds
  • Classic push-ups 5 × 15
  • Abs 5 × 15
  • Triceps curls 5 × 15
  • Crisscross abs 5 × 15 (left elbow, right knee / right elbow, left knee)

Fifth day

  • Do 20 minutes of medium-high speed running or 5 minutes of high speed running
  • Pull-ups 3 × 20
  • Squats 3 × 20
  • Push-ups 5 × 20
  • Squats with jumps 3 × 10
  • Quadriceps extensions 3 × 10

Don’t forget to stretch your body at the end of each daily routine. To do this, you can follow the following instructions:

  • Stand straight raising both arms to the sky and stretch your back, without lifting your heels.
  • Keep your back straight as you bend your torso forward. Without hunching your back.
  • Bring your hands to the ground and try to press your forehead to your knees.
  • Raise your head and look straight ahead.
  • Stretch one leg, bring the knee to the chest, and keep the leg in that position supporting the knee with both arms.
  • Then with the hand, hold the foot and bring it to the gluteus.
  • Repeat the stretch on the opposite side.


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