How can self-defense help you?

self-defense help you

How can self-defense help you?

Can learning self-defense help you raise your self-esteem? The answer is a resounding yes.

If we go to the basic definition of self-esteem, like the one we get in any dictionary, we can conceptualize it as the appreciation, perception, or consideration that we have towards ourselves, as individual beings.

Psychologists define it as self-worth, self-respect, and the recognition of our abilities. How can we strengthen these values ​​by going to a dojo or taking self-defense classes?

Self-esteem and its attackers

When self-esteem is healthy, you act and think in a positive and motivating way. It leads us to take charge of our destiny, trusting in who we are as a person.

However, many situations can affect our self-esteem and make us feel weak, vulnerable, or worthless.

The sexual harassment at school or work, or live with people or toxic couples can ruin self – esteem. Likewise, having been the object of psychological threats, assaults or physical or verbal attacks can ruin our self-perception.

Other factors such as routine, daily commitments, stress, anxiety, and demanding social relationships can lead us to that feeling of stagnation, to believe that we are worthless or that we are not capable of exceeding ourselves.

There are many ways to break this vicious circle and one of them is to learn to defend yourself, gain strength, and know-how to act more consciously in hypothetical or risky situations.

Learn self-defense

Mastering the art of self-defense does not necessarily imply years of study and long hours of constant exercise. Nor is it a field only for men.

On the contrary, since the origins of Budo women have resorted to it to safeguard their integrity and their lives.

Female morphology and psychological and mental abilities allow many women to scale to technical levels of great precision and force.

And if we go to what it can do for your body, it is evident that practicing the art of self-defense helps you stay flexible, relaxed, and with a healthier weight. If we lower ourselves and feel better, naturally our self-esteem will also be rewarded.

The best of all is that learning some type of protection does not require great efforts, since the objective is to provide easy-to-apply tools, adapted to the size, build, age, physical handicap, or fragility.

Even having a disability does not exclude learning self-defense.

What you need to know

To start practicing some kind of self-defense, you should know that there are many disciplines to choose from. You have karate, Krav magá, hapkido, boxing, jiu-jitsu, and many more.

There are self-defense classes that in just 3 months will help you get out of potentially risky situations.

And even if you feel like Jean-Claude Van Damme or Lucy Liu after taking several of these classes, it is important that you know that the purpose of this training is to increase your confidence and the possibilities of escaping from your attackers.

Finally, remember that:

  • It helps you work your whole body: from the arms, legs to the buttocks and waist, there is not an inch that does not receive the benefits of all good art of self-defense.
  • Helps you burn calories and have fun – Did you know that you can burn up to 2,000 calories by training for 90 minutes? The best thing is that your body will thank you. You will be able to better define your silhouette and see positive changes before 3 months.
  • Raise your self-esteem: And yes, it gives you a lot of confidence, security, and balance for your psychological, physical, and spiritual well-being. From day one you will see favorable changes and you will not want to miss your weekly class.

There is nothing better than living life without fear. Learning self-defense will help you detect your weaknesses and those of your attacker, as well as maintain control at all times.

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