Safe vacation summer 2022: 10 essential tips

Safe summer vacation

Safe vacation summer 2022: 10 essential tips

Searches for specific places to go on vacation are always more frantic and knowing our customs, we will leave everything for the last moment. We are like that, we like to procrastinate.

Where are we going on vacation this summer 2022?

Summer vacation tips

On the other hand, many people will already be taking advantage of the best deals to book the trip(s) for the upcoming summer vacation long in advance. But where do we go on vacation? Could you answer this question? Sea, beach, mountain, city. The destinations are many and varied and our head travels towards distant horizons that will soon be at our feet. I’m going to be good and I’m going to give you some practical tips to be able to book your 2022 summer vacations in complete safety.

10 tips for a safe vacation this summer 2022

  • Book your holidays in advance for next summer 2022, and if you do it through web portals. Whenever possible, call the destination to confirm the reservation and the existence of vacancies. And here I reveal a secret, many times, if you ask, the prices are cheaper;).
  • Look for opinions about the site and the destinations from other users so you can make comparisons and choose the best-rated site by real users. For example, in the same Google reviews. If it is a portal, the same clients can leave evaluations.
  • Let yourself be advised by friends, family, and acquaintances who have experience in the type of trips you want to organize, repeat them, and/or share different opinions about it.
  • “Oh! the budget, the money that we are going to spend…”. We want the best at the best price. But we know that it will not be possible. My tip number 4 is to set a maximum spending ceiling for your vacation. To which must be added to “mattress” in case there are unexpected expenses. Knocking on wood, by accident, or whatever might happen.
  • Means of transport: it is very important to be able to plan the trip based on the means of transport used, the destination, and the duration. We go by steps. Choose the most suitable means of transportation for your needs. We know that the car is the most comfortable, but in the case of large cities, public transport should not be ruled out. If we travel within the national territory, we already know that we must choose the date of departure and return. Nobody likes so many queues, right? Here you can check the state of the roads in real-time. While if you travel by plane, check the procedures when entering and leaving a foreign country.
  • The issue of vaccines deserves a point by itself. Get vaccinated not only to travel safely but to protect yourself and other people. There is no more to say.
  • Who are you going to travel with? Uyuyuyuyuyyy… delicate argument that can create conflicts. If you travel as a family, try to meet the needs of each member (big or small). If you travel with friends, the best thing is to decide on the destination and have a good time. What if there is someone who can’t stop planning even the hours you have to go to the bathroom? Leave it at home…haha just kidding. Travel with whomever you want and have a good time. And if you travel alone, enjoy the road, “the road is made by walking…” they say.
  • You have reached the eighth, the best comes last. You know. As the eighth piece of advice, I recommend that you take a first aid kit with you, even if it is just a few band-aids and a disinfectant. Take care of yourself and take care of the people who are close to you.
  • The luggage. What can I say, take on your summer vacation 2022 the just and necessary? Why carry pesos when we need a few things to be happy? I hope you understand what I mean.
  • This is, without a doubt, the best advice. Install a security system in your home or business to keep it protected and controlled at all times while you are away. The best way to be worry-free while you’re away from home.

I hope I have helped you and that now you have clearer ideas about where to go and, above all, how to safely enjoy your vacations during this hot summer.

This summer 2022 we go where we can afford it, with the people or see the people we love the most. Slowly, calmly. And if I have to answer, I’ll tell you that I like the beach and we’re going to the Balearic Islands. What are you waiting for? If you haven’t already, organize your vacations for this summer 2022!

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