
The International Fireworks Competition celebrates its 20th anniversary these Sanfermines. During these festivities, the most international edition of those projected so far will take place with five participants from Austria, Italy, France, Bulgaria, and Canada, who are also participating for the first time in this contest. These collections will skyrocket on even-numbered days of the holidays. There will be four others of national origin ( Álava, Alicante, Barcelona, and Valencia ), which can be seen on odd nights. But it will not be their origins that are relevant, but the ingenuity and technique of their authors. In 2019 there will be...

Going on a camping trip is a choice that will save you the costs of the trip, allowing you to spend a few days in direct contact with nature. Camping holidays can be fun and adventurous if you have the spirit of adaptation. But you will not find yourself sipping a welcome drink on the bed of a 4-star hotel, nor will you be able to unwrap the chocolate lying on the bed while testing its comfort. I made many camping trips, when I was little and as an adult: in the organized campsites of southern Italy, up to the experiences...

For a child, going to summer camp is a kind of adventure and a mixture of fear and excitement. It is like a challenge: he will have to face situations that he is not used to overcoming without you and that he will experience as something amazing. For mom or dad, it is a little different. That your child goes to a summer camp is a mixture of feelings more related to uncertainty and worry. What's more, it is very normal that you go overboard with the number of clothes you put in the suitcase or that you get that instinct...

There are a lot of tips to go camping for the first time, but I venture to summarize them, because, if you are an amateur in this activity, you are not for many sermons. In my case, it took me several years to take the step. I thought that camping was synonymous with a tiring vacation, where work outweighed the amount and ability to relax. How wrong I was! Camping is synonymous with health (you breathe fresh air and in the daytime, you expose yourself to the sun, a wonderful source of vitamin D), entertainment, and peace. There is nothing...

Here is how to choose the best center for the first experiences of holidays without parents. School's out. It's time for holidays: sun, sea, lake, mountains, countryside. Everything is perfect, except that, too often, mum and dad do not have more than two months of vacation to spend with their children. And the social organization in our country provide unsatisfactory answers. So? You can turn to structures that organize activities for the summer and you can offer your children a summer campus, perhaps themed, in the mountains. At the sea or in the hills, in places where the air is different...

What type of fire is necessary for the utensils we use in the field? We cannot and should not make the same type of fire if we have a frying pan as if they have a pot. Adapting the type of fire to the object we have is important to cook the products well and avoid accidents while cooking in the field. Types of Campfires Fire in a Pot Let's start with the pot. It should be placed over a fire that is lit between two parallel rows of stones. Due to its dimensions and weight, the pot is important that it is...

Camping is one of the best ways to spend time with the family. It is exciting to enjoy the day in the middle of nature and the night under the stars. But doing so doesn't always make for a great experience. Many times the discomfort ends up ruining the walk, especially if it is the first time. Ants, mosquitoes, the cold at night, the heat of the day can be factors that hinder your plans. However, to remember summer camping with a smile on your lips, there are incredible camping techniques that can make the trip more pleasant and smooth. 8 Secret...

We have almost reached the summer holidays, so camping outings in natural spaces will not wait. And while a campfire is often a requirement if you're out camping, and a great way to get together with friends and loved ones to enjoy the night and sing for long hours, it's also a site prone to mishaps. Every year, bonfire accidents send thousands of people to emergency rooms, the National Fire Protection Association notes. Given this, the association recommends taking the following security measures: Keep fires 7 meters away from any structure. Avoid lighting fires on dry, windy days. Keep an eye on children and...

Going camping is one of the most relaxing and enjoyable experiences you can experience. Good weather, vacations, or the need to spend more time in the middle of nature are all very good reasons to go camping. It is essential to know the safety measures for camping and thus spend some fantastic days. Still, if you're not careful when choosing the place, it can turn into the opposite, so here are some tips for selecting the ideal place. How to choose the best camping place? Find regular, clear terrain where you can easily pitch your tent. Avoid low-lying areas or those...